
Water Cooled Computer

Water Computer

Mathematical Physics #2

Many nights were lost in the computer lab working on “Math-Phys” homework in Maple.


Car Accident

For a friend of mine who got into a car accident.  This lightened her mood I think.  She swears it wasn’t her fault.

Innertube Water Polo

Intramural sports in college offered inner-tube water polo.  Having played actual water polo in high school, I found this to also be a blast; worthy of a paintbrush artwork.

Idiot Driver #2

Number 2 in the series of Idiot Driver Moves.  This one happens right when I’m close to home…

Idiot Driver #1

Drives me nuts when people think that this “speeds things up for everyone”.

Mathematical Physics

My Mathematical Physics course resulted in many late nights in the computer lab working on homework.  I didn’t look upon it kindly.


Basement Hot Tub

Back in our town home college apartment, we always wanted to install a hot tub in the basement.  Sadly, this never materialized.

Electronics Lab

Engineering requires you to take a couple courses of electronics.  This lab often infuriated me… if you can’t tell.  The tiniest mistake could wreak havoc.  Circuit boards, power supplies, oscilloscopes, and Dr. J casually smirking in the background.

Dr. J!

West Michigan vs. East Michigan

A friend lived on the East side of Michigan – and I could not let her live it down.